University Design and Application

As in the world, the need for change in higher education is being considered frequently in Turkey as well. Universities have started to develop the social impact area, which is defined as the third mission, as well as the education and research mission fields that they have traditionally undertaken. As Arama Consulting, we support designs that blend these three mission areas for transformation into new generation universities. Regarding the new generation of university design studies, we provide the opportunity to differentiate in competition to the universities we work with and to climb to the top of the university rankings that are becoming more and more important.

Thanks to these studies, we design the education and research and social impact activities of universities in an integrated way, creating a multiplier effect. By designing the university's social impact model and designing convenient programs for it, we make it possible for students to gain experience differently from other educational institutions such as learning while doing (hands-on), project-based curriculum opportunity.

New Generation University Design, Planning and Implementation of its Transformation

We apply the New Generation University Design both at the establishment stage of a university and to the universities that are already operating.

Our works carried out within this scope can be listed as; production of new concepts that will ensure the originality of the university, establishment of new mechanisms and institutions, repositioning, interdisciplinaryization, internationalization, joint programs with industry, curriculum based on active learning.

University Strategic Plan

The university strategic plan we prepare is a description of what the institution wants to do in the long term. We develop the strategic plan in order to increase the sustainable success of universities and to enable the effective implementation of strategic management.At this point, the most important steps are the appropriate planning on how to achieve vision, mission and goals, the education-research and social contribution model based on this planning and revision of programs portfolio.

Among the works carried out within the scope of the preparation of the university strategic plan are the transformation of the targets into actions, determining the steps for the actions, capacity building, performance management, planning the digital transformation and analyzing the competition.

University Design and Application References
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