Innovation Design

By conduncting innovation design, we support the implementation of creative and high impact ideas. In order to produce innovation, we offer our customers the accumulation of thoughts and experiences in 24 different sectors. We produce designs that will provide competitive advantage by using new perspectives and new methods for innovation.

Our innovation design efforts include innovation strategies that define how companies will approach innovation, the development of transformation into an innovative organization that integrates innovation capacities, and the development of a new product and service concept that directly targets innovative output.

Innovation Strategies

By forming innovation strategies, we uncover how our customers can support their business and competitive strategies with innovation. We start these studies by defining the priorities in the field of innovation in line with customer needs. After determining strategic targets, locations, technology road maps, risk-return balances and metrics, we determine the implementation processes after designing research programs, strategic partnerships, labor and training requirements.

Transformation to Innovative Organization

We focus on integrating our clients’ innovation capacities holistically with the transformation efforts into innovative organizations. We are working on how the company should encourage innovation at the corporate and executive level, and what kind of autonomy area should be provided for employees. We describe the backbone of this transformation through workshops, trainings and guidelines and plan how to make it sustainable. At the same time, we accompany innovation processes so that the organization can learn innovation by innovating itself (hands-on).

Product and Service Concept Development

During our new product and service concept development studies, we perform comprehensive needs analyzes using the most appropriate methodologies. We define the unmet needs of the user which cannot be expressed, especially with the studies in design thinking method. By reflecting our solution experience in different sectors to our innovative designs, we reveal product and service concepts. We present them to our users with our participatory method tools and develop our design in line with the feedback.


Innovation Design References
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